9 Vocal Delivery Elements And How It Impacts Your Life -

9 Vocal Delivery Elements And How It Impacts Your Life

9 Vocal Delivery Elements And How It Impacts Your Life


Almost everyone attended that seminar, which seemed too tedious. But have you ever wondered why? The speaker’s pitch, tone, volume, or other vocal elements may make you lose interest in them. Therefore, being a public speaker, the most important thing today is focusing on vocal delivery. You must have a good tone, volume modulation, audible pitch, and easy-to-understand speech rate to allow your audience to understand and find interest in you. Let us know more about it through today’s guide.

What is vocal delivery?

Vocal delivery refers to the components of speech delivery related to your voice, like pitch, volume, intensity, rate, pronunciation, and more. Here are two reasons why improving the aspects of vocal delivery is necessary.
Firstly, you can engage and interest your audience. Secondly, you can deliver your ideas properly to the listeners without any misunderstanding. Research says it takes only 27 seconds to create your first impression on audiences, so that must be good. Therefore, you must utilize that time to engage as many audiences as possible with your speech.

What are the essential elements of vocal delivery?

Have you ever wondered why some seminars become boring even when the speaker is so intellectual? It is because education and experience have made them intellectual, but poor voice delivery has spoilt the whole show. Therefore, here are a few aspects of voice delivery that must be improved before your next public meeting.

Pitch and inflection

It usually refers to the highness or lowness of your voice, similar to musical instruments. Even though men have lower-pitched voices than women, you can always alter your pitch per the situation. Any turns and slides or variations in pitch to achieve your core meaning are inflections. For example, sentences with questions need a higher pitch at the end, whereas your pitch needs to be low for periods.


If you are talking to a small group of people, your volume needs to be low but audible. On the other hand, if you are speaking in a large hall in front of thousands of audiences, your volume must also be audible to the last row. This volume modulation is crucial for your vocal delivery so everyone can hear and understand your speech.

Tone of speech

Using the right tone to engage your audience and create a good impression in their minds and hearts is essential. You may meet people who use a polite tone, whereas someone else can be pushy and aggressive.
A speaker can use different tones to indicate a situation. For example, if you are resolving employee conflicts, your tone must be polite and soft and change to a confident tone during client negotiations. Therefore, you must modulate your tone as per your speech subject to connect with audiences on emotional grounds.

Speech rate

Are you a fast speaker? If so, your audiences might have problems catching up with your pace, resulting in a lack of engagement. This is especially important when you are speaking to a mixed audience, all of whom might not have fluency in the language.
On the other hand, if your speech rate is too slow, audiences may fall asleep or feel uninteresting. Your speech rate must be moderate so people can easily understand, comprehend, hear, and process your message.


While you are speaking to a huge mass, the intensity of your voice has a lot to do with expressing passion and emotion in your speech. You can manipulate the loudness or quietness of your delivery according to the situation and audience expectations by controlling vocal cord vibrations.


Pauses are the short silences or interludes you take while speaking to your audience. It can increase your tone and comprehension of your speech. However, excessive pauses can distract your effective flow of vocal delivery speech.


If you are a public speaker, you must be fluent in your speeches instead of using vocal fillers like “um’s,” “ah’s,” etc. Fluency makes your speech pleasing and dictates the appropriate ideas for your audience.


Often during conferences or events, you can hear people saying “dinnt” instead of “didn’t”; that’s poor articulation. In short, articulation refers to how clearly your words appear during a speech delivery. Though poor articulation is accepted in informal settings, you must be aware of making such mistakes in a formal meeting.


Most people fail to make their ideas stand out clearly through language in words. Enunciation refers to your commitment to pronounce words and their consecutive parts clearly without slurring during speech delivery.

What is the importance of proper vocal delivery?

Words make up only 7% of your message in public speaking, and 36% comes from your voice and 57% from nonverbal communications. This makes proper vocal delivery an essential part of speaking in public. There are a few reasons behind it:
It allows you to connect with the audience, convey your emotions, and engage them in your speech.
Your natural and genuine vocal delivery can build trust with them.
You can deliver your message clearly to the audience through words.
You can use different vocal delivery techniques, e.g., temporary poses, emphasizing words, controlling pitch and volume, etc., to become an effective public speaker.

How do you overcome vocal delivery challenges?

Most public speakers face vocal challenges in their initial years due to anxiety, lack of preparation or experience, etc. Those who could overcome their fears came a long way, and others locked themselves behind the doors. However, overcoming these vocal delivery challenges can be easy if done correctly.
Some common voice challenges for speakers are nervousness, dryness, and hoarseness. Are you facing the same? You can drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine, alcohol, or smoking. You must also rest your vocal cords before and after your speech.
Practicing only the speech content is insufficient as people don’t like robotic speech delivery; you need proper voice training.
Voece can help you in this process by gathering your vocal data, assessing them, and reporting to you on where to make changes. This AI-powered and one-of-a-kind app will provide you live feedback on volume, pitch, intensity, and speech rate so that you can improve your public speaking abilities.
Meet a doctor immediately for voice disorders like laryngitis and paralyzed vocal cords. You cannot go for extra voice practice and put pressure on your vocal cords during these situations. A voice coach or a speech therapist may help you regain your voice.

Final thoughts!

In conclusion, public speaking is essential for career advancement and socializing, and vocal delivery disorders cannot limit your speaking abilities. You can overcome these challenges with proper voice practice and voice exercises.
If you are looking for a round-the-clock voice monitoring assistance that can help you build your confidence, then try out Voece today. Connect with us today to learn more about this advanced voice analysis software!