Use case Archives - Voece-AI

Use case

Everyday Speaking

Are you finding it challenging to communicate effectively at work or home? Get feedback on your voice pattern, and learn to avoid communication pitfalls.


Sales Representative

Do you have a convincing pitch but lack a compelling style of delivery? Are you either sounding too shy or boisterous and losing clients? Consider our audio analysis software.


Customer Service

Do you need help communicating effectively on the phone? Maybe it’s time to work on voice intensity, pitch, volume, or speech rate. Take the assistance of Voece AI.


Speech-Language Therapy

Monitor the speech pattern throughout the day and provide comprehensive and detailed voice analysis data to your speech therapist, allowing for better recovery and improved prognosis.


Interview Preparations

Voece AI can be your personal coach. It helps you to put your best foot forward for the moments that matter in your vocal delivery.


Public Speaking

Sway the audience and convey your message clearly. Get feedback from the best in class technology that makes you a better speaker with every passing day.


Important Presentation

Prepare to deliver flawless presentations and get real-time feedback using our voice analysis software. Want to know how your presentation went? Unbiased feedback is what you really need to know and we provide that to […]